Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 Blog Session 4- My future job      Woman, Job, Task, Move, Fear, No

Hello everyone!

"Job" is a word that all of us almost always bear in mind (or need to?) why?... it is not necessary to take a long time to answer that simple question: we need to work for a living! and we will probably apply for a job that will offer good working conditions and a good salary but...a big "but" ...what about if you get a job that you do not enjoy or you do not like doing?

First, I think there is a difference between the word "job" and "career". Essentially, a job means time and money, a career is a concept that involves you and what you expect to be doing throughout  your working life! That is why this period of preparation is so important for you and it has been for all of us.

Second, in my opinion it is not an easy task to think about a  future job but it is a good opportunity to reflect and dream a little bit.

Now, reflect  about your future job and say:

What the job is,
Why you would like to do this job,,
What qualities or skills you would need to do this job,
What type of reward or job satisfaction you would get from doing this job.

Mention anything else you think is important.

Word count: 210
 Do not forget to write your comments on your classmates' posts and on the teacher´s.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello teacher, when I was little I always thought that working was horrible, because my parents came home very tired :(
    But now the only thing that I think when they ask me about work is that I hope to work on something that brings me happiness <3 (:

  3. Hello miss! You are right! I have always thought that if I must work it has to be something I like, because it is finally what we are going to do all our lives.

  4. Hello miss! I think it's an instance to think about our dream job but it's still a difficult question for me.

  5. Hello Miss, with the word "jobs" I automatically think of part-time jobs, I've had enough and I think they are necessary, however, it scares me to think about how my working life will be when I get out of university, it scares me a little.I just hope I'll be very happy working.

  6. unfortunately we have to work to live and work in something that you also do not like must be horrible.

  7. hello teacher! if i am honest, i have always been afraid to face the world of work because of the demands, the stress, and also because i feel that the time one has to deliver the work is very short! But I would like to have a job of my choice in the future, definitely.

  8. Hello teacher!

    Since I was a little boy I wanted to become an architect, but now the question is what kind of architect do I want to be?

    I will answer it in my blog, greetings!

  9. Hi Miss! I think that in addition to asking ourselves what we want to be, what we want to work on the future, we must think about what we can help society with our vocation.

  10. Hi teacher!That is true, it is difficult to think about the future but it serves to consider new things and aspire to the best possible for one.

  11. Very interesting teacher! I had never thought about my future job, so it will be time to think about my dreams hahaha.

  12. Hi teacher! This is true and i believe that the most difficult part of this process is planning how we are going to make our aspirations a reality.

  13. Hi miss! Is a very interesting and beautiful topic, what we want to do in the future, that is maybe a time that is closer than we think

  14. Hi Miss! Indeed is a very hard task to think about a future job, but it makes sense since we are going to spend most of our lifes working.

  15. Hello Miss! I agree with you, for me, it is very important to think about what will make you happy, otherwise, everything you do will be without love.

  16. Hi teacher!For me is so important choose something that makes you happy.

  17. Yes, Miss! Working on what one studies many times is not possible, I hope that everyone here can do what we like.

  18. Hi Miss, i think it's important to have a job that makes us happy and that money must be the least worrying about us.

  19. hello miss, i think is very important that you love what you do but also that you could live with money that job gives you

  20. Hello miss, i believe the money it's important, but not so much in comparison to work on what we love.


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