Wednesday, October 28, 2020

 Blog session 3

Themed Post

Hi everyone,

Today was a special session because you were in charge of choosing a topic to write about. 

The topic  is about about your "favourite movie or series" , "the best movie/series you´ve ever seen".

First , I would like to say that I am not a big fan of movies, but it does not mean that I have not visited cinemas. I have enjoyed a lot seeing interesting and funny films, especially with my children, during different times in my life and theirs, when they were kids and now that  they are grown-ups. We enjoy staying together and having fun watching good and great films. They all love films.

Films are like a piece of fantasy mixed with real life, there are a lot of different types of films, action, science fiction, drama, comedy, horror, documentaries, cartoons, etc but I prefer comedies, history or films based on real facts. I have seen many amazing movies but just two of them are my favourites: "Cinema Paradiso" (Italian)and "Les Chorists" (French). The first one is an Oscar winner. It is simply an enigmatic film which will stay in your memory for a long time...It is about a filmmaker who recalls his childhood, when he fell in love with the movies at his village' s theater and formed a deep friendship with the theater's projectionist. The second one is about a failed music teacher (Mr. Mathieu) who comes to a strict boy`s boarding school where a tough headmaster rules over a deprived youth with a motto of "Action- Reaction". Mr Mathieu tries a different approach, introducing music into their lives, forming a boys' choir that allows him to discover the secret musical talent of a quiet but troubled young boy.

These films are so charming, funny, touching, poignant and thought- provoking but mainly real and human.

They are those kind of films that you will always remember.

Now it is your turn.
-What do you think about cinema?
- What genres are your favourites?
-Have you seen any remarkable film that you still remember?
-What was it about? (plot)


 - Make comments on your teacher`s and on 3 of your classmates’ posts
- Word Count: 180 words

Good luck!


  1. I also love movies that are real life because they show us more human stories, which can happen.

  2. Hi Miss! I love all kinds of movies, horror movies are my favorites :)

  3. Hi miss!
    Unfortunately I don't know the movies you said, but they must be very good! I really love the movies, less horror movies, I can't sleep after watch one of them hahaha

  4. Hello teacher! The movies you are talking about seems very interesting! i will try to watch these films one day :)

  5. Hi teacher!
    like you, I am not a movie person (I prefer series) but thats movies it's seen interesting, I'll give a chance

  6. Hello miss! There are so many types of movies that it's very difficult to prefer only one. The movies that name sound very interesting, although I prefer fantasy ones.

  7. Hello miss, I have seen the movies you mention and I can confirm that they are very good and enjoyable! to pass the time they have a lot of fun

  8. Hi teacher! Those movies are so good! I will see them again.

  9. hello Miss! I am not a fan of movies but I also enjoy them very much.

  10. Hi Miss! In my case, I prefer cartoon movies, I think they are really funny and teach very good things

  11. Hello Miss, I've never seen the movies you mentioned. I'll keep them in mind!

  12. Hi Miss! I don't like realistic films that much, but there are many interesting ones with very deep themes.

  13. Hi teacher! I don't really like movies based on real events but I watch them anyway to have a good time with my family.


  14. Hi miss, I have never had the opportunity to see the movies but they are on my to-do list, they are very good

  15. I never saw those movies, but it seems like an interesting movie.

  16. Hi miss! unfortunaley I've never seen those movies but it seems really interesting. I try to see it soon

  17. Even though I haven't seen that movie, it sounds very interesting. Good post!

  18. Hi Teacher! unfortunately I haven't seen those movies, but I'm gonna write them down on my movie list I must see.

  19. Hi miss, I will see the movies you talking about, sound very interesting.

  20. Hi teacher!
    i hadn't seen those movies, i will add to my to watch movie list


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