Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 Blog  Post 6


Hello everyone,

I know these days you are all very busy with many things to do in order to finish the semester successfully. I hope you pass all the subjects!

Today´s task is to write about your experience writing blogs and learnign English at the university.

I  hope  this activity has been a rewarding experience to all of you and also that you have been noticed that you are very creative people!!! We have been sharing our personal stories regarding to different topics and that has been awesome because I have never shared those thoughts and /or experiences with my students.

So, I would like to know your reflections about this activity that we, as teachers, hope has been a real help for your learning process.

Have a nice end of semester!

  •  What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university? 
  • What about the use of blogs?
  • What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
  •  Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

- Wordcount: 260
- Make comments on 3 of your partners' posts and on the teacher´s.



  1. Hello Miss!!
    For me, this is a fun and good activity to remember things I have done, and thank you for sharing your experiences with us


  2. Hello!!
    It is really fun to read the different experiences of others on the blog. I also hope to be able to pass all the subjects.

  3. Hello! English class has always been my favorite, it helped me a lot to improve my English. Nice to have been in your class Miss!
    pd: I hope everyone passes their subjects, don't give up :)

  4. Hello teacher! I think it has been a fun experience, reading my classmates' blogs has been very interesting and i hope i can pass all the subjects too!

  5. Hello miss! Thank you for this opportunity to write blogs, to meet you and to meet us as colleagues, even more so in the difficult online modality in which we find ourselves.

  6. Hi miss! Thank you so much for the good vibes with the end of semester. And thanks for the help with our English, writing the blogs I think it helps us with the writing and for a better expression.

  7. Hi miss! I believe that it has been a unique experience, reading and knowing other experiences and other visions is magnificent for me, in addition it entertains me to learn every day more about this language

  8. Hi teacher!
    It was fun to share the experiences and things that we like with others.
    It is a unique experience <3
    thank you very much, Miss :)

  9. hi miss! i think i learned a lot about english this semester. it was fun

  10. Thank you soo much teacher... for understand that we are very busy during the week.
    Also I learn a lot in your classes!

  11. Hi Miss! I'm glad that this experience has not only been fun and learning for us students, but also for you.

  12. Hi teacher! thank you for share with us your experiences, you helped us a lot with your comprehension and your good vibes in the morning!

  13. Hello miss, thanks for your understanding. I liked the activity are interesting topics.

  14. Hi miss! I think that despite how difficult I find English, the experience has been good.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. hello miss, I loved the blogs, I like to write, I was very happy doing them and reading the blogs of my classmates, I had a great time <3

  17. Hi miss, I didn't know anybody so blogs helped me get to know you and my classmates, I really enjoyed it. Thank you for making this semester more enjoyable in class. :)

  18. hello teacher!

    I feel that because of the pandemic, this kind of exercises, I mean the blogs, are very useful tools to practice English

  19. Hello teacher! thanks to this type of exercises, we can practice English in a way more dynamic, in this pandemic the blogs was so funny


 Blog  Post 6 ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGES Hello everyone, I know these days you are all very busy with many things to do in order to finish ...